Results for November 2008
Awards given out by JCP


What was your BEST halloween ever and why was it so awesome?



Good Answer AwardDude The BEST Halloween I HAD it was like some umm... years ago... maybe... I can't remember last years Halloween, but that is a good thing, cuz my policy is it was and AwESOME night if you can't remember thing about it, because you know you were doing some good stuff then. So the best Halloween ever was fist Halloween I don't remember which was when I was 13 and it was awesome cuz I don't remember it, good stuff... - If I only had a navel....

omg lameness because all halloweens stinked due to the malfunction of the planners or the horrible effects of what supposedly was a horror house. bah blood was paint.- williewonka

it was when some asshole i liked dressed up like cut meat. owh i wished that was for real.- where people are gay

senior year...scary movies, toilet paper, scaring people- yeah

Good Answer AwardThe most memorable one that most likely sparked my eternal interest in Halloween, was back in Canada when my dad and a neighbor built a huge metal dinosaur that they paraded around the neighborhood while shooting flames out of its mouth.- The Destroyer

Good Answer AwardIt was way back in 2005. I kicked over several bowls of candy and danced on them until they were all ground up. Then I forced some kids to eat it off the ground. BOW DOWN TO THE HOOF.- SPANKY the wonder horse

One time I dressed up like a walrus. I had mighty tusks and could crack open heads with them. Hell yea that was some fun.- Moron 5

Good Answer AwardAl had to work late at the shoe store, so I had Kelly and Bud go collect candy from the neighbors - then we shut off all the lights so no one would come trick or treating. We ate all the candy before Al came home from work.- Peggy Bundy

my daughter's first one, how could it not be- little missy

This question sucks!- Anonomous

Halloween 2006. Took an outdoor picture of my home, and camera picked up at least 12 orbs of all sizes. I so love Halloween.- Ewww