What does your name say about you?
May 10 /07 - by drunkennewfiemidget -

It says nothing, jackass. I hate to break it to you, but your date of birth, your blood type, your favourite colour, whether you prefer day or night, and your favourite flavour of ice cream say NOTHING about your personality.

Contrary to what tickle.com, livejournal, facebook, myspace, and various really bad websites all over the Intenet will tell you, liking the colour black doesn't make you insightful, preferring boxers to briefs doesn't mean you're laid back or easy going.

It's humourous just how much insight people attempt to learn about themselves through completely unrelated nonsensical ramblings often written by a 13 year old.

I like green, gold medal ribbon ice cream, prefer night to day, was born in October, am a scorpio, and I'm left-handed.

You know what that tells you about me?

I like green, gold medal ribbon ice cream, prefer night to day, was born in October, am a scorpio, and I'm left-handed.

That's it.